
Calderfoods offers a specialized fish cutting service to our all customers.

Our fish cutting experts can customise fish portions to your exact requirements. Thin or thick? Long or short? Tell us how you like it and we will slice it, pack it and box it just for you.

Please contact us to find out more.



Calderfoods distributes to metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria.

From East to West, North to South, and throughout central Victoria. Calderfoods is travelling in or around your town. 

Major towns we frequent include:

Albury/Wodonga, Bendigo, Benalla, Bright, Maryborough, Melbourne Metro, Mildura, Seymour, Shepparton, Swan Hill and Yarrawonga.

Contact us to find out the days and times we are in your area and how we can deliver straight to your doorstep.